Monday, November 27, 2006

The weekend is over and it's back to the grindstone for me, at least for a few days before the trimester ends. I must ask all of you to take a moment of your day to join me in mourning for the passing of a dear friend - Tim Horton's coffee. At the conclusion of last week, I ran out of regular Timmies coffee which is slightly more tragic than when I ran out of Shreddies (tm). For those of you who don't know, you cannot get Shreddies or Tim Horton's coffee where I live and rely on my trips to Canada to keep me in stock.
Moving on, it was a fairly good weekend - temps in the 50's, we finised painting the dining room and now await the remaining parts for our new railing system. We have removed the old and will install the new by the end of the coming weekend.
Just taking a minute to ramble. God Bless see you soon.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I'm just about done for the week. Looking ahead to the next four days is pure bliss - Thanksgiving weekend is upon us. I, as well as the students, need a break. It seemed as if the students were going to go ape if they had to be here another day. Also, the end of the first trimester is just four days away as well. After the tri ends, we'll get a little shake up of students - always makes classes intersting as the personality of each class changes a bit. I'm rambling because I don't have much to say. However, I did find out we will be able to get a copy of Taunya singing with the District choir. I contacted the Timberwolves office and they will be sending us a tape of the performance. We're counting the days until we reach St. Nicholas' Day. I wonder what he'll leave in my boot. I hope it is tickets for another cruise, but it will probably be chocolate. Christmas is just around the corner and so is our trip to Canada. Hopefully, there will be snow to enjoy.
Have a great weekend. God Bless and we're prayin' for ya.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Ah, the middle of the week has arrived and it looks like we'll be having some fairly decent weather over the next week. It's getting closer to (American) Thanksgiving and many of the students I have are ready for an extended break from school (I am too). It also means the end of the first trimester of grades for students. The 9th graders don't fully realize yet how permanent the grade is. Some of them are still thinking like 8th graders, that "it doesn't really matter" how they perform, only that they pass.
Family things are moving along. Julie is starting to feel better after her wisdom teeth had been removed. The swelling has gone down and she is able to eat more "normal" foods. The kids are excited about Thanksgiving, church musical, and traveling to Canada for Christmas. I'm excited as well, pray for decent weather during the Christmas season as we travel to and from Canada. Hopefully we'll have our floor and railings done by then and I can post pictures of what we've done. As Tigger says, TTFN. God bless.

Monday, November 13, 2006

The weekend is over and we made it safely back from camp. There was snow at camp! When we left Maple Grove it was cool but not cold and the ground was dry. As we drove further south, we ran into more snow. Rochester, home of the Mayo clinic, received 6 inches and there was four inches on the ground at camp. We made a few snowmen, shot off a rocket, and generally had a good time. You can see by the pictures that Kyleen truly ejoyed herself: making snow angels and eating roasted marshmallows. Talk to you soon. God Bless.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Good day all! Taunya's choral debut is on Saturday. She is looking forward to singing the national anthem in front of an audience. She was a bit down when she found out the national anthem and the game wouldn't be televised. I guess she was hoping it would be her television debut as well. Kyleen and I will be taking off tomorrow afternoon for the Father-Daughter weekend. I have colleagues covering my afternoon classes so I can leave early. Because of that, I won't be posting any messages or pictures until after the weekend. Enjoy your weekend, your families, and your friends. God bless, all of you are in our prayers.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Okay, I gave in and decided to show you a few more pictures. Those who have gone to Cozumel might recognize the hut. It is right across the street from the "Topless Photos Only" sign. This is the damage Katrina brought before it hit the US. They were, however, open for business and working on fixing it up. The other photo is a shot of my head and the open road as we scootered around the island.
Keep Julie in your thoughts and prayers over the next few days as she had her all four wisdom teeth extracted this morning. I imagine she'll be asleep when I get home. God Bless and enjoy the last few days before the madness of Christmas sets in.

Monday, November 06, 2006

No pictures today. Apparently the pictures are causing some to "stumble" and covet a cruise. I do not wish to be the stumbling block for anyone. Besides, I'm guessing people have had enough of pictures for now. It seems a quiet weekend passed, as quiet as three kids can be anyway. I'm looking forward to this weekends Father-Daughter time with Kyleen. It's rare that she gets to do anything like this alone. As a matter of fact, it will be the first time she gets to take this trip alone. She has, however, had a week vacation in Canada with out her siblings (they were at camp). Not much to talk about yet- the week is just beginning. We're getting closer to the end of our painting of the dining room. Life is getting in the way of home renovations. I think a small tornado has gone through the home. Have a good day and God Bless you and yours.

Friday, November 03, 2006

It's Friday and the end of the week has come. The kids are here with me as we wait for Taunya to return from a field trip. They are excited to be here but also that they have a chance to use the Smart Board. I thought I'd throw a few more pictures up on the site. You can see our room, the rock wall (we have video of us climbing the wall), the wave pool (pictures and video of me wiping out), and mini-golf. It's going to be a busy weekend - tonight we get to watch a premiere of the new VeggieTales movie: Gideon- Tuba Warrior and tomorrow we'll see the new Santa Clause movie. Since our weeknights tend to be busier we keep our weekends as family time. Next weekend Kyleen and I will be going to camp for Father-Daughter Weekend. Taunya will not be going because the district choir will be performing the national anthem for the Timberwolves on the 11th. Don't worry, we'll be taping it and have it with us in December. God bless you and your family.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Here are the kids. Kyleen the Snow Princess, Tyler as Tony Stewart, and Taunya as Pippi Longstocking.