Monday, November 27, 2006

The weekend is over and it's back to the grindstone for me, at least for a few days before the trimester ends. I must ask all of you to take a moment of your day to join me in mourning for the passing of a dear friend - Tim Horton's coffee. At the conclusion of last week, I ran out of regular Timmies coffee which is slightly more tragic than when I ran out of Shreddies (tm). For those of you who don't know, you cannot get Shreddies or Tim Horton's coffee where I live and rely on my trips to Canada to keep me in stock.
Moving on, it was a fairly good weekend - temps in the 50's, we finised painting the dining room and now await the remaining parts for our new railing system. We have removed the old and will install the new by the end of the coming weekend.
Just taking a minute to ramble. God Bless see you soon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Timmie's and the Shreddies. Perhaps if you are really good Santa will get you some for Christmas.
On a similar note we ran out of my favorite popcorn and have to wait until my favourite brother comes to visit at Christmas!

6:37 PM


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