Wow, I have a personal request to update my blog, so someone can keep up with what's going on in the Walther houehold. This weekend will prove to be funfilled. Julie is attending an Awana conference and I'll be taking the kids to Lowe's to do one of the kids projects they do from time to time. Besides that, we'll continue taking down the wallpaper in the dining room so we can paint it. The weather here is quite lovely, windchills in the teens (fahrenheit), and we've seen snow flurries the last couple of days. Yes, we turned the heat on. The forecast for the next week doesn't look to bad, but you never know. The first two nights of conferences went well. I only had to tell one parent how immature and disruptive their child has been in class. The last night of conferences is on Monday. I'm looking forward to it being over and for the long weekend. Next Thursday and Friday is the MEA (Minnesota Educators Association) weekend; there is a convention which many teachers attend. I haven't been to one since my first year mainly because, as teachers, we don't research and buy the curriculum for the district, we review and suggest when the district wants to change it. It's getting late, it's already 4:30 and I should go home, I haven't really seen my family since Monday. Tuesday - conferences, Wednesday - Awana, Thursday - conferences. I'm looking forward to family time this weekend. Enjoy yours, God Bless, and all of you are in our prayers.
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